Master Radovan, West Tympanum, Cathedral of St. Lawrence

Mid-13th century
Trogir, Croatia

The innermost semi-circle features the Nativity, attended by angels in the band that encloses it. That band also includes the Annunciation (Gabriel on the bottom left, Mary on the bottom right), the adoration of the Magi (top left), and Joseph's dream (top right). It then continues on the right with the Slaughter of the Innocents, touchingly pictured as six angels carrying the souls of the slain children to Heaven.

The outer band has the Flight into Egypt and Baptism of Christ at the bottom left and right respectively; the rest of the band follows the narrative of the Passion and Resurrection.

Finally, in a niche above it all is a statue of St. Lawrence, the patron saint of the cathedral.

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Photographed at the site by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.