Master Morata
Passion Altarpiece: Detail, The Arrest of Jesus

Aragon, circa 1470-1505
Tempera and gold on wood
The Cloisters, New York City (gift of George Blumenthal, accession numbers 11.3.1 and 35.35.19)

As in the gospels, Judas kisses Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane to identify him to the soldiers with their swords and clubs (Matthew 26:47-49). In the lower left, Peter cuts off the ear of one of the servants of the High Priest (John 18:10), but Jesus touches the ear to heal it (Luke 22:50-51).

The fallen soldiers in the lower right are the ones who in John 18:6 "went backward, and fell to the ground" when Jesus said he was the one they were looking for.

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Photographed at The Cloisters by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.