Chapter 160 of the Golden Legend by Jacobus Voragine (1275), translated by William Caxton, 1483. This "reader's version" of the text provides section headings, paragraph breaks, and explanatory notes.

Quintin was of noble lineage of the city of Rome, and came into the city of Amiens, showing many miracles. And was taken there of by the provost of the city by commandment of Maximian, and was beaten until they that beat him were weary, and after was put in prison. But he was unbound of by an angel, and he went into the city and there preached to the people.

Then he was taken again, and was strained stretched on the eculee, rack an instrument to torment saints on, unto the breaking of his veins, and beaten with raw sinews right long, and afterwards he was boiled in burning pitch and oil, and yet for all that he mocked the judge.

Then the judge did do put ordered (someone) to put into his mouth quicklime, vinegar, and mustard, and yet always he abode constant and unmovable. And then he was brought into Vermandos, Vermand, a town in northeastern France and fixed in him two nails from his head unto his knees, and ten nails between his nails and the flesh of his nails and the flesh on his hands. And at the last the provost made him to be beheaded, and threw the body into the water.

Which body was hid there fifty-five years, and then founden there by a noble woman of Rome. For as she was continually in prayer, she was in a night warned advised, instructed by an angel that she should go hastily unto the castle of Vermandos, and it was commanded to her that she should fetch the body of St. Quintin in such a place and bury it honourably.

And when she came to the said place with a great company, and as she made her prayers, the body of St. Quintin appeared above the water, sweetly smelling and without corruption, which body she took and buried it worshipfully. reverently And for the sepulture burial that she made honourably, she that tofore was blind, received her sight again for a reward.

And then there she edified built a fair church, and returned home to her own place again. In which church now is a fair monastery of monks and a good town called St. Quintins in Vermandos, where daily be showed many great miracles, especially for the dropsy, etc., and swelling of great bellies for over great superfluity of water. For this sickness in especial he is sought, and many men have been cured and made whole by the merits of this blessed saint and martyr St. Quintin.

To whom pray we that we may be delivered from all infirmities, as far as it shall please God, and necessary for us. Amen.

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This stained glass panel pictures St. Quentin tied to a rack and the subsequent pouring of boiling oil over his body. (See the description page for this image and the page explaining the iconography of images of this saint.)

Quintin is said of quin, that be five, and of teneo, tenes, that is to hold, and is as much to say as holding five things. He held first in himself honesty of life, faith catholic, purity and cleanness of conscience, true preaching and crown of martyrdom

This text was taken from the Internet Medieval Source Book. E-text © by Paul Halsall. Annotations, formatting, and added rubrics by Richard Stracke. Permission is granted for electronic copying, distribution in print form for educational purposes and personal use. If you do reduplicate the document, indicate the sources. No permission is granted for commercial use.