Detail of the Conques Last Judgment Tympanum: The Bosom of Abraham
Early 12th century (shortly after 1107)
Painted limestone relief
Church of St. Foy, Conques, France
Abraham sits in the center of the Heavenly Jerusalem (far right of this photo) with one hand on each of his sons Isaac and Ishmael, who hold sceptres representing (I am guessing) the nations that derive from them.
To Abraham's right (our left) are two male figures. The one holding the sword is probably Abraham again: the moustache and beard are nearly identical, as is the halo. His sword may refer to his victory over Chodorlahomor in Genesis 14; in that case, the other man would be Melchizedek, the priest-king who then blessed Abram, "bringing forth bread and wine." The latter would be represented by the chalice that he holds.
To the left of the two men are two women standing under an arch, each holding an ointment jar. Then at the far left are two more women holding lamps and an open book. The reference may be to the parable of the wise and foolish virgins in Matthew 25:1-13.
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Photographed at the church by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.